Example of Exposition Text
Death Penalty for Drug Dealers, Is It Fair?
source of picture: http://www.hetanews.com/article/12418/jaksa-agung-sebut-hukuman-mati-selamatkan-indonesia-dari-narkoba
At this time, Indonesia is experiencing adversity of drug
problems. Indonesia becomes a very dangerous country of drug problem. The
future of the younger generation is at stake in vain only for the enjoyment of
certain groups. This is what prompted the government to eradicate drugs to the
roots. The punishment chosen for drug dealers is also not kidding which is the
toughest punishment, the death penalty. The pros cons of executing the death
execution for the drug dealer is still a debate for now. However, the death
penalty is already a very appropriate punishment to be imposed on the drug dealers.
The main reason is the death penalty has a preventive effect
on potential criminals of drug crimes. If they realize they will be put to
death, such criminals will at least think a thousand times before committing a
drug crime. The facts prove, if we compared with the developed countries that
do not apply the death penalty, Saudi Arabia, which enforces Islamic law and death
penalty, has a low crime rate. Based on data from the United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime in 2012, for example, the murder rate is only 1.0 per 100
thousand people in Saudi Arabia. Compare with Finland which is 2.2; Belgium
1.7; And Russia 10.2.
Moreover, the death penalty does not violate human rights.
Many people argue that the awarding of the death penalty violates human rights.
Many parties want to keep fighting for the right to live the convicted person
who has been sentenced to death. On the contrary, the crime of drugs is an
extraordinary crime that humiliates humanity. Drug crime is a crime against
humanity that takes the right to life not just one person, but many human
beings. The death penalty for drug criminals does not violate the Constitution
as stated by the Constitutional Court, that the death penalty threatened for certain
crimes in Law No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics is not contradictory to the 1945
Constitution. The death penalty is not contrary to the right to life guaranteed
by the 1945 Constitution because the constitution of Indonesia does not adhere
to the principle of absoluteness of human rights (HAM). Even Soelistyowati
Soegondo, the Head of the Sub Commission for the Assessment of the National
Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), argues that the death penalty is in
line with Article 28J Section (2) of the 1945 Constitution. So it is clear that
the death penalty can be done and not contradictory to the constitution.
Determination of death penalty for drug dealer is one form of
law enforcement firmness. The death penalty shows that the Indonesian people do
not want the future of human resources destroyed by drugs. In the current state
of drug emergency, when drug crimes have damaged the younger generation and
deprived the lives of many humans in Indonesia, it is fair to impose the death
penalty on one drug criminal. So, the main consideration is the sense of
justice that lives in society.
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